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تقارير الحفريات و المصادر الأخرى
F. Ismail, W. Sallaberger, P. Talon, K. Van Lerberghe (eds.), 1997
Administrative Documents from Tell Beydar (Seasons 1993-1995) (Subartu II), Brepols, Turnhout.
M. Lebeau & A. Suleiman (eds.), 1997
Tell Beydar, Three Seasons of Excavations (1992-1994). A Preliminary Report = Trois campagnes de fouilles à Tell Beydar (1992-1994). Rapport préliminaire (Subartu III), Brepols, Turnhout.
K. Van Lerberghe & G. Voet (eds.), 2000
Tell Beydar. Environmental and Technical Studies (Subartu VI), Brepols, Turnhout.
M. Lebeau & A. Suleiman (eds.), 2003
Tell Beydar, The 1995-1999 Seasons of Excavations. A Preliminary Report = Tell Beydar, Rapport préliminaire sur les campagnes de fouilles 1995-1999 (Subartu X), Brepols, Turnhout.
L. Milano, W. Sallaberger, P. Talon, K. Van Lerberghe, 2004
Third Millennium Cuneiform Texts from Tell Beydar (Seasons 1996-2002) (Subartu XII), Brepols, Turnhout.
M. Lebeau & A. Suleiman (eds.), 2005
Tell Beydar/Nabada. Une cité du Bronze ancien en Jezireh syrienne: 10 ans de travaux (1992–2002) = Tell Beydar/Nabada. An Early Bronze Age City in the Syrian Jezirah: 10 Years of Research (1992–2002) (Documents d´Archéologie syrienne VI), Ministère de la Culture direction générale des antiquités et des musées Republique Arabe Syrienne, Damascus.
M. Lebeau & A. Suleiman (eds.), 2007
Tell Beydar, the 2000–2002 Seasons of Excavations, the 2003-2004 Seasons of Architectural Restoration. A Preliminary Report = Tell Beydar, rapport préliminaire sur les campagnes de fouilles 2000–2003 et les campagnes de restauration architecturale 2003-2004 (Subartu XV), Brepols, Turnhout.
M. Lebeau & A. Suleiman (eds.), 2008
Beydar Studies 1 (Subartu XXI), Brepols, Turnhout.
G. Jans G. & J. Bretschneider (eds.), 2011
Seals and Sealings from Tell Beydar/Nabada (Seasons 1995-2001) (Subartu XXVII), Brepols, Turnhout.
M. Lebeau & A. Suleiman (eds.), 2011
Tell Beydar. The 2004/2-2009 Seasons of Excavations, the 2004/2-2009 Seasons of Architectural Restoration. A Preliminary Report (Subartu XXIX), Brepols, Turnhout.
M. Lebeau (ed.), 2011
Associated Regional Chronologies for the Ancient Near East and the Eastern Mediterranean. Jezirah (ARCANE I), Brepols, Turnhout.
L. Milano & M. Lebeau (eds.), 2014
Tell Beydar. Environmental and Technical Studies. Volume II (Subartu XXXIII), Brepols, Turnhout.
M. Lebeau & A. Suleiman (eds.), 2014
Tell Beydar. The 2010 Season of Excavations and Architectural Restoration – a Preliminary Report = Tell Beydar. Rapport préliminaire sur la campagne de fouilles et de restauration architecturale 2010 (Subartu XXXIV), Brepols, Turnhout.
G. Bacelli, 2014
“The Spinning and Weaving Material from Tell Beydar”, in L. Milano & M. Lebeau (eds.), Tell Beydar. Environmental and Technical Studies. Volume II (Subartu XXXIII), Brepols, Turnhout, 3-16.
F. Bertoldi, 2014
“The Human skeletal Remains from Tell Beydar. Palaeobiological and Paleopathological Analysis”, in L. Milano & M. Lebeau (eds.), Tell Beydar. Environmental and Technical Studies. Volume II (Subartu XXXIII), Brepols, Turnhout, 35-52.
F. Bertoldi, E. Carnieri, F. Bartoli, L. Milano, 2014
“Paleonutritional Evidence from Tell Beydar: the Human Sample and the Historical Sources”, in L. Milano & F. Bertoldi (eds.), Paleonutrition and Food Practices in the Ancient Near East. Towards a Multidisciplinary Approach. Proceedings of the International Meeting “Methods and Perspectives Applied to the Study of Food Practices in the Ancient Near East” (HANE/M XIV), Venezia, June 15th-17th, 2006, Sargon, Padova, 215-236.
F. Bertoldi, E. Rova, L. Milano, 2005
“Le sepolture di Tell Beydar (Siria Orientale): note paleobiologiche preliminari”, in A. Guerci & S. Consigliere (eds.), Il processo di umanizzazione, Atti del XVI Congresso degli Antropologi Italiani, Genova, 29-31 Ottobre 2005, Edicolors Publishing, Genova/Milano, 121-130.
A. Bianchi & K. A. Franke, 2011
“Metal”, in M. Lebeau (ed.), Associated Regional Chronologies for the Ancient Near East and the Eastern Mediterranean. Jezirah (ARCANE I), Brepols, Turnhout, 201-238.
C. Bluard, E. Ciavarini Azzi, X. Luffin, Y. Robert, 1997
“Niveaux d’occupation d’époque séleuco-parthe (chantier C)”, in M. Lebeau & A. Suleiman (eds.), Tell Beydar, Three Seasons of Excavations (1992-1994). A Preliminary Report = Trois campagnes de fouilles à Tell Beydar (1992-1994). Rapport préliminaire (Subartu III), Brepols, Turnhout, 89-96.
C. Bluard, X. Luffin, H. Qoueider, Y. Robert, 1997
“Recherches sur le périmètre externe (chantier H)”, in M. Lebeau & A. Suleiman (eds.), Tell Beydar, Three Seasons of Excavations (1992-1994). A Preliminary Report = Trois campagnes de fouilles à Tell Beydar (1992-1994). Rapport préliminaire (Subartu III), Brepols, Turnhout, 179-192
C. Bluard, I. Poinot, P. Quenet, 1997
“Un quartier d’occupation dynastique arcaïque (chantier B)”, in M. Lebeau & A. Suleiman (eds.), Tell Beydar, Three Seasons of Excavations (1992-1994). A Preliminary Report Report = Trois campagnes de fouilles à Tell Beydar (1992-1994). Rapport préliminaire (Subartu III), Brepols, Turnhout, 47-58.
J. Bretschneider, 1997
“Untersuchungen im Bereich des östlichen Hügelplateaus (Feld D)“,in M, Lebeau & A. Suleiman (eds.), Tell Beydar, Three Seasons of Excavations (1992-94). A Preliminary Report = Trois campagnes de fouilles à Tell Beydar (1992-1994). Rapport préliminaire (Subartu III), Brepols Publisher, Turnhout, 97-104.
J. Bretschneider, 1997
“Untersuchungen an der äußeren Wallanlage (Feld H)”, in M. Lebeau & A. Suleiman (eds.), Tell Beydar, Three Seasons of Excavations (1992-1994). A Preliminary Report = Trois campagnes de fouilles à Tell Beydar (1992-1994). Rapport préliminaire (Subartu III), Brepols, Turnhout, 193-208.
J. Bretschneider, 1997
“Die Unterstadt (Feld J)”, in M. Lebeau & A. Suleiman (eds.), Tell Beydar, Three Seasons of Excavations (1992-1994). A Preliminary Report = Trois campagnes de fouilles à Tell Beydar (1992-1994). Rapport préliminaire (Subartu III), Brepols, Turnhout, 209-230.
J. Bretschneider, 1997
“Nuzi-Keramik aus der Unterstadt (Feld J)”, in M. Lebeau & A. Suleiman (eds.), Tell Beydar, Three Seasons of Excavations (1992-1994). A Preliminary Report = Trois campagnes de fouilles à Tell Beydar (1992-1994). Rapport préliminaire (Subartu III), Brepols, Turnhout, 231-242.
J. Bretschneider, 1999
“Das Geheimnis von Nabada”, Spektrum der Wissenschaft April 1999, 42-53.
J. Bretschneider, 1999
“Nabada, Relais des caravanes en Haute Mésopotamie”, Dossier pour la science. Les cités antiques Octobre 1999, 10-19.
J. Bretschneider, 1999
“Der spätfrühdynastische Palast und die akkadischen Bauschichten auf der Hügelkuppe von Tell Beydar. Die Befunde der 1995er-96er Kampagne”, in J. Bretschneider & A. Dietrich (eds.), Beydar. Mitteilungen über die Erforschung eines urbanen Zentrums im Norden Alt-Syriens (Bd. 3), Ugarit-Verlag, Münster, 45-63.
J. Bretschneider, 1999
“Die mittani-zeitliche Siedlung von Tell Beydar. Spätbronzezeitliche Befunde aus der Unterstadt”, in J. Bretschneider & A. Dietrich (eds.), Beydar. Mitteilungen über die Erforschung eines urbanen Zentrums im Norden Alt-Syriens (Bd. 3), Ugarit-Verlag, Münster, 73-83.
J. Bretschneider, 2000
“Nabada im Reich von Nagar: Eine wiederentdeckte Handelsmetropole in Nordsyrien”, Alter Orient aktuell 1, 26-29.
J. Bretschneider, 2000
“Nabada: The Buried City”, Scientific American 283, 74-81.
J. Bretschneider, 2003
“Der spätfrühdynastische “Palast-Tempel” auf der Akropolis von Tell Beydar: Die Bauschichten der Phase 3 a/b (Früh-Gezira IIIb)”, in M. Lebeau & A. Suleiman (eds.), Tell Beydar, The 1995-1999 Seasons of Excavations. A Preliminary Report = Tell Beydar, Rapport préliminaire sur les campagnes de fouilles 1995-1999 (Subartu X), Brepols, Turnhout, 65-140.
J. Bretschneider, 2008
“Picturing Ancient Nabada”, Near Eastern Archaeology 70/3, 168-173.
J. Bretschneider, 2015
“Seals, Tablets and Bricks: Fine-tuning of Early Dynastic Chronology in Syria”, in Dittmann R. & Neumann H. (eds.), It’s a Long Way to a Historiography of the Early Dynastic Period(s), Altertumskunde des Vorderen Orients Band 15, Ugarit-Verlag, Münster, 33-49.
J. Bretschneider & T. Cunningham, 2007
“An Elite Akkadian Grave on the Acropolis at Tell Beydar”, in M. Lebeau & A. Suleiman (eds.), Tell Beydar, the 2000–2002 Seasons of Excavations, the 2003-2004 Seasons of Architectural Restoration. A Preliminary Report = Tell Beydar, rapport préliminaire sur les campagnes de fouilles 2000–2003 et les campagnes de restauration architecturale 2003-2004 (Subartu XV), Brepols, Turnhout, 99-158.
J. Bretschneider , T. Cunningham, G. Jans, 2007
“Report of the Excavation in the South-Western Part of the Early Dynastic Temple A on the Acropolis of Tell Beydar”, in M. Lebeau & A. Suleiman (eds.), Tell Beydar, the 2000–2002 Seasons of Excavations, the 2003-2004 Seasons of Architectural Restoration. A Preliminary Report = Tell Beydar, rapport préliminaire sur les campagnes de fouilles 2000–2003 et les campagnes de restauration architecturale 2003-2004 (Subartu XV), Brepols, Turnhout, 41-51.
J. Bretschneider, M. Debruyne, G. Jans, M. Lahlouh, 1997
“Ausgrabungen im Bereich der Hügelkuppe von Tell Beydar (Akropolis Feld F)”, in M. Lebeau M. & A. Suleiman (eds.), Tell Beydar, Three Seasons of Excavations (1992-94). A Preliminary Report = Trois campagnes de fouilles à Tell Beydar (1992-1994). Rapport préliminaire (Subartu III), Brepols, Turnhout, 117-134.
J. Bretschneider & A. Dietrich, 1994
“Ausgrabungen in der Kranzhügelstadt Tell Beydar“, in Bretschneider J. & Dietrich A. (eds.), Beydar. Mitteilungen über die Erforschung eines urbanen Zentrums im Norden Alt-Syriens (Bd. 1), Ugarit-Verlag, Münster, 4-49.
J. Bretschneider, A. Dietrich, G. Jans, 1995
“Ausgrabungen in der Kranzhügelstadt Tell Beydar (1992-94)“, in J. Bretschneider & A. Dietrich (eds.), Beydar. Mitteilungen über die Erforschung eines urbanen Zentrums im Norden Alt-Syriens (Bd. 2), Ugarit-Verlag, Münster,
J. Bretschneider, A. Dietrich, G. Jans, 1999
“Der Tell Beydar: Eine 4500 Jahre alte Stadt in Nordostsyrien. Fünf Grabungskampagnen – Ein Überblick”, in J. Bretschneider & A. Dietrich (eds.), Beydar. Mitteilungen über die Erforschung eines urbanen Zentrums im Norden Alt-Syriens (Bd. 3), Ugarit-Verlag, Münster, 15-28.
J. Bretschneider, A. Dietrich, G. Jans G., Erster Vorbericht, 1993
“Erster Vorbericht über die Ausgrabungen auf dem Tell Beydar/Nordsyrien”, Ugarit-Forschungen 25, 35-62.
J. Bretschneider & G. Jans, 1995
“Zur Ikonographie eines kunstgeschichtlich bedeutenden Siegels aus Tell Beydar“, in: J. Bretschneider & A. Dietrich (eds.) Beydar. Mitteilungen über die Erforschung eines urbanen Zentrums im Norden Alt-Syriens (Bd. 2), Ugarit-Verlag, Münster, 29-40.
J. Bretschneider & G. Jans, 1997
“Spätfrühdynastische und akkadische Keramik der Hügelkuppe (Akropolis Feld F)”, in M. Lebeau & A. Suleiman A. (eds.), Tell Beydar, Three Seasons of Excavations (1992-94). A Preliminary Report Report = Trois campagnes de fouilles à Tell Beydar (1992-1994). Rapport préliminaire (Subartu III), Brepols, Turnhout, 135-144.
J. Bretschneider & G. Jans, 1998
“Wagon Representations in the Early Dynastic Glyptik. They Came to Tell Beydar with Wagon and Equid”, in M. Lebeau (ed.), Thoughts about Subartu (Subartu IV), Brepols, Turnhout ,155-194.
J. Bretschneider & G. Jans, 1998
“Palast und Verwaltung. Synchronismen im Haburgebiet im 3. Jahrtausend v. Chr.”, Ugarit-Forschungen 29, 67-93.
J. Bretschneider & G. Jans, 1999
“Die Glyptik von Tell Beydar (1995-96)”, in J. Bretschneider & A. Dietrich (eds.), Beydar. Mitteilungen über die Erforschung eines urbanen Zentrums im Norden Alt-Syriens (Bd. 3), Ugarit-Verlag, Münster, 31-44.
J. Bretschneider & G. Jans, 2012
“Tell Beydar en Syrie: L’organisation dans un palais il y a 4500 ans environ”, Archéothéma 25, 80-84.
J. Bretschneider & G. Jans G., 2012
“Van Palais tot Puinhop”, EOS 11, 88-91.
J. Bretschneider & G. Jans, 2012
“Checkpoint Room 32912. Inspection of Incoming Goods, Outgoing Wares or Temporary Disposals in the Early Jezireh IIIb Official Upper City Complex of Tell Beydar?”, in P. Quenet & M. Al-Maqdissi (eds.), “L’Heure immobile”. Entre ciel et terre. Mélanges en l’honneur d’Antoine Souleiman (Subartu XXXI), Brepols, Turnhout, 9-20.
J. Bretschneider & G. Jans, 2014
“Vertrauen ist gut, Kontrolle ist besser. 4500 Jahre alte Palastbürokratie entschlüsselt”, Antike Welt April 2014, 76-83.
J. Bretschneider & G. Jans 2014
“The Glyptic of Tell Beydar: An Impression of the Sealing Evidence for an Early Dynastic Official Household”, in H. Neumann, R. Dittmann, S. Paulus, G. Neumann, A. Schuster-Brandis (eds.), Proceedings of the 52nd International Congress of Assyriology and Near Eastern Archaeology-Münster 2006, Peeters, Leuven, 401-420.
J. Bretschneider, G. Jans, A. Suleiman, 2003
“Die akkadzeitlichen Tempel auf der Akropolis von Tell Beydar: Die Bauschichten Früh Gezira IV-Zeit”, in M. Lebeau & A. Suleiman (eds.), Tell Beydar, The 1995-1999 Seasons of Excavations. A Preliminary Report = Tell Beydar, Rapport préliminaire sur les campagnes de fouilles 1995-1999 (Subartu X), Brepols, Turnhout, 149-168.
J. Bretschneider, P. Pieper, R. Stefan, O. Deling, G. Jans, 2000
“Erste Untersuchungen daktyloskopischer Spuren (Fingerabdrücke) auf Siegelabrollungen von Tell Beydar: Fragestellungen und Zielsetzungen”, in K. Van Lerberghe & G. Voet (eds.), Tell Beydar. Environmental and Technical Studies (Subartu VI), Brepols, Turnhout, 139-154.
J. Bretschneider & K. Van Lerberghe, 1997
“Ausgrabungen in der Kranzhügelstadt Tell Beydar“, Antike Welt 4 August 1997, 289-296.
J. Bretschneider, A-S. Van Vyve, G. Jans, 2010
“War of the lords The battle of chronology. Trying to recognize historical iconography in the 3rd millennium glyptic art”, Ugarit-Forschungen 41, 5-28.
J. Bretschneider & G. Voet, 1997
“La glyptique syrienne et les nouvelles découvertes à Tell Beydar – développement et iconographie de la glyptique syrienne de 3300 à 2200 av. J.C. ”, in P. Talon & K. Van Lerberghe (eds.), En Syrie, aux Origines de l’Ecriture, Brepols, Turnhout, 161-170.
T. Broekmans, 2003
“EJ III and IV Ceramics from Field F”, in M. Lebeau & A. Suleiman (eds.), Tell Beydar, The 1995-1999 Seasons of Excavations. A Preliminary Report = Tell Beydar, Rapport préliminaire sur les campagnes de fouilles 1995-1999 (Subartu X), Brepols, Turnhout, 287-300.
T. Broekmans, A. Adriaens, E. Pantos, 2006
“Insight into North Mesopotamian Metallic Ware”, Archaeometry 48.2, 219-227.
T. Broekmans, A. Adriaens, E. Pantos, 2008
“Insights into the Production Technology of North-Mesopotamian Bronze Age Pottery”, Appl Phys A 90 (1), 35-42.
A. Brysbaert, 2000
“Conservation of Copper Alloy Objects from Tell Beydar”, in K. Van Lerberghe & G. Voet (eds.), Tell Beydar. Environmental and Technical Studies (Subartu VI), Brepols, Turnhout, 125-134.
R. Cabral, A. Tomé, A. M. Vaz, T. Costa, M. Lopes, 2014
“Field C: Results of the 2010 Excavation”, In M. Lebeau & A. Suleiman (eds.), Tell Beydar. The 2010 Season of Excavations and Architectural Restoration – a Preliminary Report = Tell Beydar. Rapport préliminaire sur la campagne de fouilles et de restauration architecturale 2010 (Subartu XXXIV), Brepols, Turnhout, 41-58.
C. Charlier, 2000
“Tell Beydar: Deux squelettes exhumes en 1994”, in K. Van Lerberghe & G. Voet (eds.), Tell Beydar. Environmental and Technical Studies (Subartu VI), Brepols, Turnhout, 38-54.
M. Core, 2014
“Excavations at Tell Beydar: Architectural Survey Methodology”, in L. Milano & M. Lebeau (eds.), Tell Beydar. Environmental and Technical Studies. Volume II (Subartu XXXIII), Brepols, Turnhout, 53-60.
T. Costa, R. Cabral, M. Lopes, 2014
“The Hellenistic Pottery from Field C”, In M. Lebeau & A. Suleiman (eds.), Tell Beydar. The 2010 Season of Excavations and Architectural Restoration – a Preliminary Report = Tell Beydar. Rapport préliminaire sur la campagne de fouilles et de restauration architecturale 2010 (Subartu XXXIV), Brepols, Turnhout, 59-82.
M. Cremaschi, S. Maggioni, C. Nicosia, 2014
“Bricks, Activity Areas and Living Floors: Formation Processes and Palaeoenvironmental Context. Preliminary Results from Micromorphological Analyses at Tell Beydar”, in L. Milano & M. Lebeau (eds.), Tell Beydar. Environmental and Technical Studies. Volume II (Subartu XXXIII), Brepols, Turnhout, 61-73.
M. Cremaschi & A. Perego, 2014
“Tell Beydar in Geomorphological Context”, in L. Milano & M. Lebeau (eds.), Tell Beydar. Environmental and Technical Studies. Volume II (Subartu XXXIII), Brepols, Turnhout, 75-89.
E. Cunliffe, 2014
“The Archaeological Landscape of the Tell Beydar Region: Satellite imagery and its implications for Settlements Patterning”, in L. Milano & M. Lebeau (eds.), Tell Beydar. Environmental and Technical Studies. Volume II (Subartu XXXIII), Brepols, Turnhout, 91-110.
M. Daskiewicz & A. Smogorzewska, 2000
“An Archaeological and Chemical Study of Metallic Ware from Tell Abu Hafar, Tell Djassa el-Gharbi and Tell Rad Shaqrah”, in K. Van Lerberghe & G. Voet (eds.), Tell Beydar. Environmental and Technical Studies (Subartu VI), Brepols, Turnhout, 173-190.
D. Davanzo Poli & E. Rova, 2013
“A Textile Fragment from Tell Beydar”, in L. Milano & M. Lebeau (eds.), Tell Beydar. Environmental and Technical Studies. Volume II (Subartu XXXIII), Brepols, Turnhout, 111-116.
M. Debruyne, 1997
“A Corbelled Akkadian Grave”, in M. Lebeau & A. Suleiman (eds.), Tell Beydar, Three Seasons of Excavations (1992-1994). A Preliminary Report = Trois campagnes de fouilles à Tell Beydar (1992-1994). Rapport préliminaire (Subartu III), Brepols, Turnhout, 145-154.
M. Debruyne, 2003
“The Early Jezireh IIIb Public Building on the Acropolis of Tell Beydar (Field F): The Building Level Phase 2”, in M. Lebeau & A. Suleiman (eds.), Tell Beydar, The 1995-1999 Seasons of Excavations. A Preliminary Report = Tell Beydar, Rapport préliminaire sur les campagnes de fouilles 1995-1999 (Subartu X), Brepols, Turnhout, 43-64.
M. Debruyne, 2003
“Study of a Canalisation System from the Palatial Complex”, in M. Lebeau & A. Suleiman (eds.), Tell Beydar, The 1995-1999 Seasons of Excavations. A Preliminary Report = Tell Beydar, Rapport préliminaire sur les campagnes de fouilles 1995-1999 (Subartu X), Brepols, Turnhout, 177-188.
M. Debruyne, 2003
“Research on the Outer Rampart (Field K)”, in in M. Lebeau & A. Suleiman (eds.), Tell Beydar, The 1995-1999 Seasons of Excavations. A Preliminary Report = Tell Beydar, Rapport préliminaire sur les campagnes de fouilles 1995-1999 (Subartu X), Brepols, Turnhout, 387-394.
M. Debruyne & G. Jans, 2007
“The South-Eastern Area of the “Palatial Complex” of Tell Beydar: The EJ III/ED III Main Entrance, Monumental Stairway and Temple D”, in M. Lebeau & A. Suleiman (eds.), Tell Beydar, the 2000–2002 Seasons of Excavations, the 2003-2004 Seasons of Architectural Restoration. A Preliminary Report = Tell Beydar, rapport préliminaire sur les campagnes de fouilles 2000–2003 et les campagnes de restauration architecturale 2003-2004 (Subartu XV), Brepols, Turnhout, 75-84.
M. Debruyne, G. Jans, V. Van der Stede, 2003
“Small Finds from the Acropolis (F Field)”, in M. Lebeau & A. Suleiman (eds.), Tell Beydar, The 1995-1999 Seasons of Excavations. A Preliminary Report = Tell Beydar, Rapport préliminaire sur les campagnes de fouilles 1995-1999 (Subartu X), Brepols, Turnhout, 203-224.
M. Debruyne & V. Van der Stede, 2000
“Canals and drains. Sewers in the Early Jezireh Palatial Complex of Tell Beydar”, in I. Thuesen (ed.), Proceedings of the Second International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East Copenhagen 2000 (ICAANE II), Eisenbrauns Winona Lake , 9.
R. Decorte, E. Jehaes, H. Vanden Berghe, J.-J. Cassiman, 2000
“Concept for the Molecular Genetic Analysis of Human Remains from Tell Beydar”, in K. Van Lerberghe & G. Voet (eds.), Tell Beydar. Environmental and Technical Studies (Subartu VI), Brepols, Turnhout, 55-60.
R. Decorte & K. Van Lerberghe, 1997
“Les recherches environnementales”, in in P. Talon & K. Van Lerberghe (eds.), En Syrie, aux Origines de l’Ecriture, Brepols, Turnhout, 171-178.
B. De Cupere, 2014
“Animals at Tell Beydar”, in L. Milano & F. Bertoldi (eds.), Paleonutrition and Food Practices in the Ancient Near East. Towards a Multidisciplinary Approach. Proceedings of the International Meeting “Methods and Perspectives Applied to the Study of Food Practices in the Ancient Near East”, Venezia, June 15th-17th, 2006 (HANE/M XIV), Sargon, Padova, 187-213.
I. De Ryck, A. Adriaens, F. Adams, 2003
“Microanalytical Metal Technology Study of Ancient Near Eastern Bronzes from Tell Beydar”, Archaeometry 45.4, 579-590.
C. Dezzi Bardeschi & M.-E. Sténuit, 2007
“La Fouille du Chantier L – Temple A à l’époque EJ IIIb et bâtiment associé (campagnes 2001-2002)”, in M. Lebeau & A. Suleiman (eds.), Tell Beydar, the 2000–2002 Seasons of Excavations, the 2003-2004 Seasons of Architectural Restoration. A Preliminary Report = Tell Beydar, rapport préliminaire sur les campagnes de fouilles 2000–2003 et les campagnes de restauration architecturale 2003-2004 (Subartu XV), Brepols, Turnhout, 53-74.
C. Dezzi Bardeschi & M.-E. Sténuit (with the collaboration of F. Rey & C. Ali), 2011
“Chantier S: “Le Parvis Sud” (Southern Square) – Campagnes 2004-2009”, in M. Lebeau & A. Suleiman (eds.), Tell Beydar the 2004/2-2009 Seasons of Excavations the 2004/2-2009 Seasons of Architectural Restoration. A Preliminary Report (Subartu XXIX), Brepols, Turnhout, 277-274.
C. Dezzi Bardeschi & M.-E. Sténuit, 2014
“Chantier S: Le “Parvis Sud” (Southern Square) – Campagne 2010”, in M. Lebeau & A. Suleiman (eds.), Tell Beydar. The 2010 Season of Excavations and Architectural Restoration – a Preliminary Report = Tell Beydar. Rapport préliminaire sur la campagne de fouilles et de restauration architecturale 2010 (Subartu XXXIV), Brepols, Turnhout, 149-179.
M. Galimberti, M. Bertelle, E. Rova, 2014
“Pottery Technology and Clay Sources at Tell Beydar”, in L. Milano & M. Lebeau (eds.), Tell Beydar. Environmental and Technical Studies. Volume II (Subartu XXXIII), Brepols, Turnhout, 17-34.
K. Gavagnin, 2012
La ceramica del III Millennio da Tell Beydar (campagne 1992-2002), PhD dissertation, Università degli Studi di Torino.
K. Gavagnin & J. Mas, 2014
“Early Jezirah IIIb Pottery from Tell Beydar, Syria. Selected Inventories from the latest excavation campaigns”, in P. Bielinski et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East 30 April-04 May 2012, University of Warsaw (ICAANE VIII), Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden, 49-71.
G. Gernez & B. Couturaud, 2014
“Chantier U: la campagne exploratoire 2010”, in M. Lebeau & A. Suleiman (eds.), Tell Beydar. The 2010 Season of Excavations and Architectural Restoration – a Preliminary Report = Tell Beydar. Rapport préliminaire sur la campagne de fouilles et de restauration architecturale 2010 (Subartu XXXIV), Brepols, Turnhout, 181-186.
A. Goddeeris, 2003
“The Filling Process (E Field – Campaigns 1994-1995)”, in M. Lebeau & A. Suleiman (eds.), Tell Beydar, The 1995-1999 Seasons of Excavations. A Preliminary Report = Tell Beydar, Rapport préliminaire sur les campagnes de fouilles 1995-1999 (Subartu X), Brepols, Turnhout, 269-270.
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W. Sallaberger, 1997
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W. Sallaberger, 1998
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W. Sallaberger, 2000
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W. Sallaberger, 2004
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W. Sallaberger, 2004
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W. Sallaberger, 2005
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W. Sallaberger, 2007
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W. Sallaberger, 2011
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W. Sallaberger, 2014
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M.-E. Sténuit (with the collaboration of F. Rey), 2011
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